American SXS Takeover
The group known for creating the best SXS enthusiast experiences around will be coming in strong for Legends of Havasu, with all kinds of family-friendly activities and fun planned at both our main Vendor Village and the Off-Road track adjacent to Crazy Horse Campground. See their schedule below and be sure to check it out while at the event!
**Please note we are still finalizing the details of this event, and the schedule may change slightly.
We have more to add, so check back as we get closer to this awesome event!
Thursday 10/26
11:00am-1:00pm - American SXS Takeover Barrel Racing (Off-Road Track adjacent to Crazy Horse Campground)
2:00pm-4:00pm - American SXS Takeover Short Course Practice (Off-Road Track adjacent to Crazy Horse Campground)
Friday 10/27
10:00am-1:00pm - American SXS Takeover Guided Rides - Scenic Cruise or Advanced (meet at Vendor Village)
12:00pm-2:00pm - American SXS Takeover Cornhole Tournament at Vendor Village
2:00pm-5:00pm - American SXS Takeover Short Course Racing (Off-Road Track adjacent to Crazy Horse Campground)
Saturday 10/28
Time TBD - Halloween Parade into Vendor Village
10:00am-1:00pm - American SXS Takeover Guided Rides - Scenic Ride or Advanced (meet at Vendor Village)
2:00pm-5:00pm - American SXS Takeover Show-N-Shine & Stereo Contests (Vendor Village)
Time TBD - Halloween Party - Pumpkin Carving Contest & Costume Contests - Vendor Village